- ADF THERMOCOUPLE AMP AD8495Type: Sensors1778 :: Analog Output K-Type Thermocouple Amplifier using AD8495 Breakout Overview Thermocouples are very sensitive, requiring a good amplifier with a cold-compensation reference. We have a ...R 233.91Out Of Stock
- ADF THERMOCOUPLE AMP MAX31855Type: Sensors269 :: Thermocouple Amplifier V2.0 Breakout Board using MAX31855 Overview Thermocouples are very sensitive, requiring a good amplifier with a cold-compensation reference. The MAX31855K does ...R 262.28Out Of Stock
- BMT K-TYPE THERMOCOU BOARD+PROBEType: SensorsK-Type Stud Thermocouple with Digital Converter (0-700°C)-Using MAX6675K-Type Stud Thermocouple Overview In general, we do not need to measure temperature too high, but in some experiments or ...R 68.70In Stock
- HKD K-TYPE THERMOCOUPLE 0-600CType: SensorsK Type Thermocouple Control Temperature 0-600C SensorK Type Temperature Sensor Probe Overview Designed with two fork terminal, 6mm thread sensor for accurate measurement. Works well with ...R 20.00In Stock